Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Color Complexity

Women…we sit and talk and complain
And grill each other with great disdain…
But to whom do we blame, each other or ourselves?
She’s jealous of my big butt and lush hips
And I’m jealous of her petite frame and perky tits….
She drinks ensures and I call Jenny Craig
But why can’t we just simply talk instead?
Isn’t this what the movie “For Colored Girls” was as all about?
So that we could come together to vent, cry and shout
But we go home and stare in the mirror and pick and do all this prodding
I want…she want‘s…. We want each others body….
I hate her and she hates me…. I’m five two and she’s almost six three
She’s butter cream brown and I’m coffee tone dark
I gain the hearts of men, she tears them apart
Were so different, but still in all we are some what the same
Were both sisters…..ain’t that a shame
We may not have the same mother, brother, father or sister…
but we share the same history
The same history that has me hating her, and her hating me
Talk about color complexity……. This world has me and this girl
Twisted up in a bunch
That she’d rather sit with Sue and Sally and have lunch
But enough said….
Black on Black racism…yea that s*** ain’t dead

                                                                       By "China"

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